BWD receivs the Training services from Hamad Al Hamad Company, considering all the dangers, the international bodies such as IADC, API, IOSH, put
norms for the personnel to be trained and certified so that the operations run smooth and safe. The list of mandatory training is as under. This
training is to be repeated after every 2 years where as refresher or awareness level courses can be conducted intermittently depending on the
availability of the trainer and crew.
A list of course and its importance is given below. For more information, please click here (link to contact us form) and fill the form.
1. H2S with SCBA Donning Course: In the event of an outbreak of H2S, the crew is expected to Don (wear) the SCBA (masks with air cylinders)
and work and rescue people, if trapped. The course comprises of theory and practical that teaches how to save own life as well as co-
workers and prevent damage to the property.
2. Authorized Gas Tester - AGT: A gas tester is a certified person who tests the environment and its safety before sending any person inside
such as welder or roustabout to perform duties. A proper procedure has to be followed to ensure the safety of crew in such condition.
3. Confined Space: The name itself implies that it is a space that is difficult to enter and exit. The trained personnel is aware of the hazard and
knows how to mitigate the same and keep him as well as his coworkers safe.
4. First Aid & CPR: In spite of the precaution accidents happen and such is the time when the first aid training proves lifesaving. The trained
personnel know how to keep the person breathing and alive so that he reaches safely to the hospital. In case of heart problem, the person is
trained to give CPR to push the heart back into action.
5. Fall Protection: Drilling operations are full of rigs and working at height. Windy situation, slippery surface, excess heat and cold can always
cause a man to make mistake and fall. A properly trained personnel knows how to use the tools available and make him safe at all times.
Use of safety harness, lanyards and fall protection equipment is taught along with presence of mind and alertness.
6. Fire Fighting: It is a course that teaches how to mitigate fire hazard and deal with the same in case it occurs. The course teaches how to
recognize different types of fire and use suitable fire extinguishers from a safe distance and put out the fire. The training is theory as well as
audio video session is conducted.
Training Capacity:
Currently the training division conducts the abovementioned training along with number of awareness level training such as defensive driving,
hands and finger injury, JSA, Permit Preparation, Accident Reporting etc.
Every month the division approximately trains more than 2000 personnel (the same person takes different courses) for which dedicated trainers are
available in the division.
The mandatory courses mentioned above also come with a certification that is valid for 2 years and has to be renewed at the end of the period.
Awareness level courses are also acknowledged by means of maintaining an attendance sheet at the rig site.
The division is planning to develop a robust infrastructure to maintain the records and certification to be issued to the personnel.
Future Plan:
The division plans to evolve into a full-fledged Training Academy having its own entity that will ensure its existence as a profit center. The
institution is a need of time that will give trained manpower to the backbone of the world i.e. energy section. If you are interested in getting into
partnership please click here and fill the form. Our representative will get in touch with you soon.